
I started ClassyVegan.com to document my adventures in vegan cooking, dining, shopping, and travel. My name is Katie and I’m a great cook, an ok food critic, and a curious traveler. Join me on my exploits as I explore the wide world of vegan living.

I’m based in the Pacific Northwest and have been working in and around video games for the past decade. I have been vegan for more than 15 years and haven’t eaten meat since the ’90s. I come back to blogging every so often for the creative outlet. And because I really do love telling people about all the awesome vegan stuff I know.

Also, I want to be clear that being ‘classy’ isn’t about economic status. It’s about how you interact with the world and the people around you.

Want to be classy and vegan? Don’t be a jerk. Don’t rub it in other people’s faces about how terrible animal agriculture is, they probably already know. Don’t gatekeep by telling other vegans they aren’t vegan enough. (I swear to god if I hear one more person use “plant based” as a slur…) Just do your best to be compassionate to human *and* non human animals and let other people do theirs. Feed your loved ones tasty vegan food, be as kind as possible, be as understanding as you can. That’s how you keep it Classy and Vegan.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. JoAnn says:

    Just stumbled across your blog as I was searching for a vegan hollandaise sauce. I’ll be making your vegan eggs florentine this weekend!

  2. healthyhohme says:

    I love your incredibly creative VEGAN site!
    Thank you for sharing!
    I will check back often for updates : )

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